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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hello viewers,
         What you see above is a tweet from my twitter. On my twitter, I tweeted a little shout out to this blog so that those interested in the content of my twitter can possibly find more of my content in the form of long-form reviews. This blog is a way for me to further express my opinions, critiques, and reviews of games and occasionally movies. On my twitter, after I beat a game or see a movie, I'll tweet my initial thoughts and starting today, I'll begin linking my blog after those tweets so that anyone interested in my initial thoughts, can come to this blog for a more in-depth discussion. I hope all that visit this page can find something that interests them.
Now, a little about this blog:
This blog came about when one of my classes required that I make a blog. Instead of going through the motions of a school assignment, I decided that I'm going to make something of this blog. It is my work and I really want to own that. Because of that, I decided to go with video games. I play games every day. They are my way to escape the stress and troubles of the real world. I like to think that I play responsibly in that my games are not touched until all work is done. It is at that point that I indulge in someone else's world. I plan for this blog to serve as a way for me to express my feelings on the games I play and as a place that my writing skills can expand and grow in.
Thank you!

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