I want to take the time to introduce the idea of my blog featuring reviews of movies as well as my standard reviews of games. To preface it, I am not by any means an expert on movies. With video games, because of how often I play them and how critically I judge them, I would say that I'm becoming more and more of an expert on the subject of games. Rather than just playing current games, I delve into the past and play what my parents played. I play the important games that changed the industry. I research the companies that make these games, the voice actors and actresses, the development and so on. I do all I can to take my video game interest to a professional level. Because of that, I think it is easy to feel like my video game reviews are more than just some guy writing a review. I hope that those reading them feel like they are getting a professionally created product.
With movies, all of that changes. I am by no means an expert and I have no plans to dive into the world of movies in the same way I did with games. I watch movies and I enjoy them, not much more and not much less. While video games are more than a hobby, movies are a way of pure entertainment for me. Regardless, I plan to begin reviewing the occasional movie I see. With that being said, I saw Deadpool the night it came out and I plan to review it here very soon. It will be my first movie review so it certainly won't be something to take seriously but understand, it is the first stepping stone into legitimately reviewing movies.
Thank you,
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